Brightidea's Command Center

The Command Center is a comprehensive home page for Innovation Program Managers to centrally manage all aspects of their Innovation Program including, Managing and tracking participants (Users), Launching and tracking pre-built Innovation apps (Pipelines), Tracking and managing Innovations (Submissions), Tracking outcomes against projections, Accessing operational dashboards (Analytics) and Accessing in-product knowledge (Knowledge base)!



Table of Contents

Getting Started

Select the gear icon in the Global Navigation bar and then select "Command Center". This will direct you to the back-end view for System Administrators.


Top Navigation

The IPM can navigate through the Command Center with the navigation bar 



The People Pillar allows the IPM to quickly manage all participants directly from the Command Center page within the Brightidea Platform.



The Apps Pillar allows the IPM to create new Initiatives/Pipelines using the pre-built Innovation apps by selecting an App type.



Track and manage Innovations using the "Innovations" Pillar. The Innovations Pillar will display a list of all ideas in your Brightidea.



The Analytics Pillar will allow the IPM to view metrics organized from the Innovations Dashboard, Engagement Dashboard, and Business Impact Dashboard.


Innovations Dashboard

Selecting "Innovations Dashboard" will redirect the IPM to the Innovations Dashboard. The Innovations Dashboard provides the IPM with metrics about innovations (ideas, opportunities or projects) created over the timeframe selected

Data is separated by the "Overall", "By Department", "By Location", and "By Challenge" tabs. Note: Pipelines marked Research Pipeline can be filtered out of the entire Innovations Dashboard by selecting the gear icon and checking off "Exclude Research Pipelines"

Engagement Dashboard

Selecting "Engagement Dashboard" will redirect the IPM to the Engagement Dashboard. The Engagement Dashboard provides the IPM with metrics about unique participants and unique visitors over the timeframe selected.

Data is separated by the "Overall", "By Department", "By Location", and "By Challenge" tabs.

Business Impact Dashboard

Selecting "Business Impact Dashboard" will redirect the IPM to the Business Impact Dashboard. The Business Impact Dashboard provides Admins with metrics about financial benefits over time and financial summary by Initiative over the timeframe selected.

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base will redirect the IPM to the in-product Knowledge Base panel that contains documentation on the Brightidea Platform for reference.

There is also a link to our Brightidea Support Center for further information.


Key Program Results

Key Program Results shows statistics for Unique Participants, Opportunities Created, Projected Net Benefit, Non-Financial Benefits, and Actual Benefits.

Note: Pipelines marked Research Pipeline can be filtered out in this dashboard by selection the gear icon and checking off "Exclude Research Pipelines"


Unique Participants:

Represents the number of unique users who participated in the program (for example vote or submitted an idea) during the selected timeframe.

Opportunities Created:

Represents the amount of ideas where "Opportunity" is the Innovation State

Projected Net Benefit:

Represents the total dollar amount of Projections for all ideas

Non-Financial Benefits:

Represents the total number of ideas that have recorded Outcomes

Actual Benefits:

Represents the dollar value of outcomes from innovations – both revenues and cost savings – during the selected timeframe.

Outcomes are recognized on the last day of the period for which they are recorded and expressed on the chart in thousands of dollars.

Program Tracking

Program Tracking panel displays key program metrics for the Innovation Program in a graph. This enables the IPM to view changes of key metrics over a certain time period. Program Tracking is organized by People, Ideas, Opportunities, Projects, and Actual Benefits



This tab displays the total Unique Participants.


This tab displays metrics for Total Ideas. Total Ideas represents the total number of ideas in the system at any given time.


This tab displays metrics for Total Opportunities. Total Opportunities (which may be referred to as Business Cases, Proposals, Solutions, etc.), represents the total number of active opportunities in Brightidea at any given time.


This tab displays metrics for Total Projects. Total Projects represents the total number of projects in the system at any given time.

Actual Benefits:

This tab displays fiscal metrics for Tracked Outcomes.

Innovations Per Status

This chart displays a percentage of ideas that belong to a specific status for the entire Innovation Program.



The IPM can view the total amount of ideas in the entire Innovation Program that have an assigned status. The IPM can hover their cursor over a status and the status name, percentage and total amount of ideas belonging to that status will be displayed. 

Please note: this chart will only support Enterprise level statuses, Site specific statuses are not supported at this time.

Action Item Alerts 


Displays top five pipelines with most action items overdue or close to being overdue.  


Displays top five users with most action items overdue or being close to overdue. The IPM can also access the "Manage Action Items" page by selecting "Action Items Manager"

Top Users by Reputation Points

Active Users displays the top most active users in the IPM's Brightidea based on points earned.

Activity Feed

Activity Feed in the Command Center displays all recent activity for the entire Innovation Program.

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    Damian Dugdale

    And this is visible only to System Administrators?

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    Damian Dugdale

    Can any of this be switched off or is a language file going to be provided so we can change some of the terminology?

    Also, in the engagement dashboard you are pulling data for location and department - where does that come from - because we have that in our profile fields but you just show no data for us.

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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Damian,

    It's possible to turn off the Command Center right now, this can only be done on Brightidea's end per site.

    There are no plans right now to provide ability to change any terminology on the back-end.

    Please see the below articles on the new Dashboards, the data is only pulled from system 'Department' and 'Location' profile fields (not custom fields titled 'Department' or 'Locations').

    Ron Orlovetskiy
    Brightidea Support

  • Avatar
    Damian Dugdale

    Thanks Ron.

    And I see that it's not possible to change the profile field type without resetting all the data .. any plans to make that possible?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Damian,

    Very good point!

    Unfortunately, there are no plans right now but something that can definitely be considered for the future.

    Please feel free to submit to our IdeaSpace (

    Brightidea Support

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    Damian Dugdale

    On this and you can delete some of these now Ron .. but it used to be that there was be a dropdown in the menu to manage pipelines for pipeline managers ...

    where has that gone now?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Damian,

    I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to here, do you mean the right click menu when selecting a Pipeline from the list?

    Brightidea Support

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    Damian Dugdale

    Redundant now Ron - just sent in a request.

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    Vigneron, Anthony (IT-LON)

    Can we publish this report to all our users so we don't have to create reports ourselves?