Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Setting the Question Order
- Adding Questions
- Editing Submission Form Questions
- Hiding Submission Form Questions
- Removing Questions
- Development Fields
Getting Started
Each Initiative has its own Submission Form Builder that is located within Site Setup > Ideas > Submission Form. Clicking on the Submission Form tab will allow Admins to Launch Form Builder.
The administrator will be brought to an edit form page, where questions can be added, edited, hidden, removed and reordered.
Administrators are able to edit/move the default Submission Form fields. These fields include:
- Title (required)
- Image
- Description (required)
- Attachments - Can be set as a Required field as needed
- Tags
- Category
At any time during your Submission Form building, you can click on "Go to Submission Form" and "Go to Site Setup" in the top of your form.
Setting the Question Order
In the Submission form the administrator can drag and drop their questions in any order holding the left grabber to drag and drop to a new position:
Order can also be set using the "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" options in the field dropdown.
The order in which you set your Submission Form Builder will be reflected on the Post Idea page, as well as the View Idea page.
Adding Questions
Administrators have the ability to create additional submission questions. Select Add Field at the bottom-left of your form.
Administrators can freely add any number of questions that are required for their Initiative Submission Form.
The administrator can select:
- Checkbox
- Date
- The date options allows for a calendar date selector on the submission form.
- Number
- Note: The number field only allows numerical input (-1, 1.2, 5). No other characters are allowed.
- Multiple Choice
- Dropdown
- Short and Long Answer
- Note: There is no limit to the amount of text the administrator can add for long and short form questions (questions and answers).
- User Selection
- Allows submitters to select another user
- Linked Submissions
- Allows administrators and submitters to link related submissions to their idea
Once added to the submission form, the "Linked Submissions" field will appear in the Post Idea page
Submitters can search and link to other ideas they have edit access to (e.g. they’ve submitted or have action items for)
Saving the idea as a draft will retain the selected ideas to link, but they will not be linked until the idea is submitted
On submission, the idea will linked to the selected ideas. They can then be edited from the Linked Submissions widget in View Idea 2.0 or View Idea 3.0
- Whiteboard
- Allows administrators and submitters to link a Whiteboard to their Idea. Only one field of this type can be added, as only a single Whiteboard can be linked to an Idea record
- Note: this field is only available to add if Whiteboards are enabled at the System level and View Idea 3.0 is enabled at the Site/Initiative level
- Instructional Text Block
- Adds a text field for administrators to add instructions or link to outside resources
- Adds a text field for administrators to add instructions or link to outside resources
The "Truncate long text" option allows administrators to control whether the instructional text appears in full, or is shortened to save space
When disabled, the Instructional Text Block will display the full text without truncation.
When adding questions, the administrator can choose to make them required by clicking the checkbox that says "Required". Users will then be required to answer question before their form can be successfully submitted.
Question can also be set to "Administrator Only" (visible and editable only by administrators) or as a "Dependent Question" (will display based on answers to other questions in the form).
Answers can also be reordered for multiple choice submission form fields (i.e. checkbox, radio button, and dropdown), simply drag and drop the answer to the appropriate order, and that order will be reflected in Post Idea 2.0 and when editing submissions. When editing an existing submission form, any previous answers for submissions will not be affected.
Editing Submission Form Questions
The Administrator can edit submission form questions on the submission form edit page. Select the "Edit" button to the right of the desired question.
Questions which have no associated submissions can be fully edited by the administrator (including the question type and all question answers).
Important Note: If a Submission has already been created using the Submission Form, and an Administrator wants to go back into the Form Builder to modify a question, they will receive a message warning them of their changes.
Hiding Submission Form Questions
Administrators also have the option of hiding Submission Form questions which are no longer relevant to their Initiative. To hide a Submission Form question, select the "Hide" button from the field dropdown menu:
Hidden submission form questions will be indicated with a "(Hidden)" label in the submission form builder. To make the field visible again, select the "Show" option from the field dropdown menu.
Image, Attachments, Tags, and Categories can also be hidden.
Hidden questions will respect the following logic:
- Post Idea page: Hidden questions will not appear when posting a new submission. If the hidden question is Required, it will no longer be checked.
- View Idea page: When viewing any submission in the Initiative, hidden submission form questions will not appear.
- For Dependent Questions: If a question is hidden, any other questions that are dependent on it will no longer be dependent
- Example: Question B is dependent on Question A. Question A is hidden, therefore Question B will no longer be dependent on Question A.
Removing Questions
Submission form questions can be deleted by the administrator only if there are no existing submissions with answers to that question. If so, when editing the submission form, "Delete Field" button will be visible in the field dropdown menu.
The administrator will be presented with a pop-up to confirm deleting the submission form field:
Some fields cannot be deleted as there are submissions with answer data. In this case, administrators can remove the question from Post Idea and View Idea pages by using the above "Hide Field" option.
Alternatively, if all associated submissions are deleted or moved to another Pipeline, then the field can be deleted.
Development Fields
Development fields are used with the Development tool.
Administrators can set a submission form question as a development field by selecting the option "Development Field."
Instruction text can be provided for evaluators on development action items.
- Administrators, evaluators
- Administrators, evaluators, submitters
- Administrators, evaluators, all other users
- Multiple Choice
- Checkbox
- Short Answer
- Long Answer
- Dropdown
- Date
- Number
- User Selection
- Instructional Text Block
- Attachment
Hi Guys,
Is it possible to limit the word count on a long answer question?
Hi Greg,
Unfortunately, it's not possible to limit the number of characters in the long answer question.
Thank you,
Brightidea Support
Is it possible to set the default checkbox from Rich Editor to Basic Editor on the Submission template? I can't find where this is defined.
Hi Jason,
Unfortunately, it's not possible to change the default in the software. However, it's possible to disable the rich text editor on extra submission form questions all together. Let me know if you'd like to proceed with that.
Thank you,
Brightidea Support
Where is the rich text edit radio button on the submission form. I have found it in some of the 'long answer' question types, but not in others. Is there a beta functionality, or something that needs to be enabled?
Hi Andrew,
That is actually a custom feature, not part of the out of the box product. It provides the ability for rich text on long submission form questions only. However, it's usually not enabled because of the fact that it is custom. There are no further options for this functionality at this time.
Brightidea Support
Can I delete a submission form and recreate a new one? Do I have to delete the existing idea first?
Hi Antoinette,
You will need to remove or move the ideas first and make sure the submission form questions are not in use. Afterwards, the submission form can be modified as needed.
Thank you,
Brightidea Support
I need to add dependent answers and have enabled that in the storm, there was a pre-existing submission form and an idea. I deleted the only existing idea and attempted to add a new question using the dependency, but that feature is not available. I assume I need to remove the submission form, however, there is not an option for it's removal or deletion.
Never mind & thanks... by editing existing questions I can utilize dependency. Still no obvious way to delete the form to start fresh.
Hi Antoinette,
That should work if there are no ideas in the WebStorm. There is no such thing as deleting an entire submission form, only adding/removing individual question/answers.
Thank you,
Brightidea Support
Can you save a submission form as a template that can be re-used in other Webstorms?
Hello Ron, could I translate 'Title' and 'Description' (idea submission form) and add a Tip for both?
Hi Rafaela,
On post idea 2.0, it's not possible to apply any translation currently as labels are not supported. For that type of customization, please utilize Post Idea 1.0.
Thank you,
Brightidea Support
How do I remove the 'attachments' option on the idea submission form?
Hi Sarah,
The Attachments field is a required field on the submission form. There isn't any option that removes it. However, it is possible to hide the field with custom CSS.
Okay, thanks, Daniel!
So, I can HIDE 'attachment' and 'image' fields if I do not want them?
Hi Karen,
There is no functionality to disable attachments however the image field can be disabled with the option "Add Idea Image to Idea Submission Forms" in your WebStorm setup area.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Brightidea Support
I see post from Daniel September 01, 2017 10:40 -- that said you can actually hide attachment via custom CSS. Is that not correct?
Hi Karen,
Yes, it's possible with custom CSS code, you'd need to target that element on the page and hide it with CSS. This would go into your WebStorm design section.
Brightidea Support
Hi Ron
I am reusing the default questions and editing the text to fit my topic. However, I am lost for solution on the Submitter question' answer. How can I remove or hide the "Anonymous Info banner"
Hi Ron
Can I move the order of Submitter to after category?
Hi Emma,
To answer your question, it's not possible to remove the Anonymous info banner, that is part of the page to inform the submitter.
Also, it's not possible to re-arrange any default submission form questions, only extra questions.
Brightidea Support
Hi Ron/ Team,
Is it possible for an Instructional Field text box on the submission form, to show on the final submissions? We have a legal disclaimer on the submission form builder, but it does not show on the final submission.
Hi Moi,
There is no such functionality in Brightidea at this time, it will need to be a standard submission form question if it needs to appear on the view submission page.
Brightidea Support
Hello Team,
what should we do if we want to select more than one option from the dropdown or multiple choice etc. in the submission form questions?
For Example, if there are five options available for a question and I want to select two or three options then what should I do? As of now, we are able to click on only one option.