Brightidea's Action Items Manager

The Action Items Manager allows System Administrators, Pipeline/Site Administrators and Moderators to manage assigned action items.


Getting Started:

  • To access the System-level Action Items Manager, click on the action items icon and select "View All"
    • You will then be directed to "My Action Items" in Pipeline Management:


  • Alternatively, if you access Pipeline Management or the Command Center directly, simply select the "Action Items" in the left side bar.
    • Once you are in "My Action Items" list, select "Action Items Manager" link in the top right corner:


  • If you are a System Administrator, you will be able to view all assigned action items in your Brightidea.
  • If you are an Initiative Administrator you will only be able to see action items for Sites you are the administrator for. 
  • If you are a Moderator, you will also only be able to see action items for Pipelines for which you are a Moderator.


  • The tabs on top make it easy for administrators to view action items based on if they are open, completed, canceled, or all:


  • Admins and Moderators can use the search bar to quickly find any action item:


  • Admins can also quickly sort and filter the action item list using the built-in filter on each column in the list:


  • With the "Actions" button, Admins have the ability to cancel, delete, or re-open any selected action item from the list:
      • Canceling any action item leaves the action item intact but marks it as Canceled.
      • Deleting an action item will permanently delete the evaluation data associated with that action item from your Brightidea site.
      • Reopening any Action Item will reopen the Item and notify the assigned Evaluator via email and in-app notifications that one or more of their Action Items have been Reopened.
  • To perform any of these actions, select the Idea(s), then select the appropriate action from the Actions menu:
    • Confirm the prompt to cancel:


    • After selecting Cancel Action Item, you will see a popup confirmation:


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    Damian Dugdale

    Scenario - pipeline has 5 steps

    1. a review step where one or two questions are answered in additional info
    2. a development step where idea is developed
    3. a scorecard step where it's evaluated
    4. a final development step - where questions are answered based on scorecard
    5. a final step where everything is reviewed by sponsor who decided if something happens or not

    so my question is this:

    When re-opening an action item does the idea move to the step that action item was assigned or does it stay in the step that it is in when re-opened

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    Damian Dugdale

    Also - how does the person that re-opened the Action Item know when it's completed??

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    Brightidea Support

    Hey Damian,

    Great questions!

    For the first one, when re-opening action items, the idea will not be affected in any way, it will stay where it is. The only thing that will happen is allow the action item assignee to update their evaluation once more.

    Unfortunately, there are no notifications for completed action items, so the person re-opening will need to manually check.

    Let me know if you have any other questions on this topic.

    Brightidea Support

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    Damian Dugdale

    Thanks Ron. So the other option is to drag/move the idea back to the step - but by doing that it re-enters a workflow is a workflow exists for completed action items .. is that right?

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    Michelle [Brightidea]

    Does the system send automatic reminders on action items? X days before due and/or when they become overdue?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Michelle,

    Brightidea does not send any type of automated reminders at this time for action items.


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    Ammerl, Florian

    In the action items manager screen - when I filter acc. to the assignee and click refresh via browser it unfilters again. Can I hinder the program to delete my filter while refreshing?

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    Brightidea Support

    Hi Florian,

    Are you referring to preserving the applied filters during a refresh of the page in your browser? Right now, the filters will indeed be cleared out, unfortunately, there is no way to keep the filters after refresh.

    Brightidea Support

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    Christy Lawson

    What does the color next to the due date mean?

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    Nanette Lamb

    What does the color next to the due date mean?