Optimize (Improve a Business Area)



Table of Contents

Getting Started

  • To quickly recap on how to create your Optimize challenge, navigate to your apps screen, and select the Optimize app.

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  • Select Set Up an Optimize Challenge

  • Follow the steps and fill out the required information to complete the wizard.

Site Home Page

  • After the new Optimize challenge has been successfully created, you will be brought to your Optimize site home page.


Pipeline Step View


  • After successfully creating your Optimize challenge, you will see that it comes with preconfigured stages and steps.  
  • To navigate there, select Admin > Manage Pipeline
  • For a quick recap on the overall Optimize process, refer to this process overview here
  • The Optimize backend pipeline configuration consists of the following:
    • Submission
    • Initial Screen
    • Evaluation 
    • Prioritization
    • Handed Off For Implementation
    • Not Handed Off For Implementation
    • Improvement Submission
    • Improvement Evaluation 
    • Results


Improvement Submission

  • Submission
    • After a new Improvement is submitted, it will appear in the Improvement Submission Stage.
      • Note: No associated tool type is configured for this Step.
      • Administrators can configure any tool type for this Step if evaluation is required for an Improvement before progressing to the Improvement Evaluation Stage.
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Improvement Evaluation 

  • Initial Screen
    • The first step of the Improvement Evaluation Stage is Initial Screen
    • This step comes pre-configured as a "Single Scale" tool type
    • Evaluators will receive a "Single Scale" action item after an Improvement is added from "Improvement Screen"
    • Evaluators will have the opportunity to rate the Improvements based on the rating scale configured for the "Single Scale" tool type.


  • Evaluation
    • The next step of the "Improvement Evaluation" stage is the "Evaluation" step
    • This step comes pre-configured as a "Scorecard" tool type
    • Subject Matter Experts will receive and "Scorecard" action item after an improvement is added from "Initial Screen"
    • Evaluators will have the opportunity to rate the Improvement based on the questions configured for the "Scorecard" tool type. 


  • Prioritization
    • The last step in the "Improvement Evaluation Step" is the "Prioritization" step
    • This step comes pre-configured as a "Stack Rank" tool type
    • SME's will receive a Stack Rank Action Item after an Improvement is progressed from Evaluation
    • This step allows evaluators to rank the improvements before they are passed to the "Results" stage



  • Handed Off For Implementation
    • The "Handed Off For Implementation" step is for improvements that have been selected for implementation.
    • There is no configured tool type for this step
    • Administrators can configure a tool type for this step if additional analysis is needed
  • Not Handed Off For Implementation
    • The "Not Handed Off For Implementation" step is for improvements that have not been selected for implementation.
    • There is no configured tool type for this step
    • Administrators can configure a tool type for this step if additional analysis is needed
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Challenge Feedback Survey

  • After completing your Optimize challenge, survey your Challenge Sponsor to build your track record and uncover ways to improve. 
  • Surveys are managed under Pipeline Setup > Feedback Survey

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  • Select Send Survey to compose an email to the Sponsor. Here, you can any additional details or implement dynamic fields.


  • When ready, select Send Survey
  • The Sponsor will receive an email with a link to the survey.  
    • Note: The survey is responsive for mobile devices
  • Surveys will appear similarly to the example below:


  • Once the Sponsor completes the survey, all Initiative Administrators will be notified to view the results under Feedback Survey
    • Note: Survey questions and answers cannot be edited at this time. 
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