Expertise on Submission and User Profile

This feature allows users to add 'Expertise' on their submission and on their user profile in order to promote desired skills to help build their team with the proper diversity needed to execute the innovation process. 

Expertise on User Profile

  • Users on the "Edit Profile" page can add/remove expertise to their user profile:

  • Adding 'Expertise' to a users profile uses the same functionality as adding a tag.
    • If the characters typed is an exact match to an expertise in that system that expertise will be highlighted in the drop down.

    • If the characters typed do not match an expertise in that system it will be shown at the top as "New Expertise"

    • If a tag is already been added to your account, and that same tag is search again, I should see "Expertise already added" in the dropdown


  • As a user, when visiting your profile (or another users profile) they see the expertise associated with their account.




Expertise on Submission 

  • Once "Expertise on Idea" is enabled users will see "Expertise" on the Submission 2.0 form


  • After the submission is posted the Expertise will display on the Submission 2.0 page
    • Here users can use the Find Teammates (if enabled) feature to add teammates that match the Expertise on the submission: 


Important Notes:  

  • Expertise on user's profile is not an option that can be enabled/disabled in setup.  
    • This feature is automatically enabled and cannot be removed. 
  • If there are required profile fields and a user is prompted to fill them out after logging in they can also add Expertise to their profile at that time
  • There is a maximum of 40 expertise per user 
  • The term 'Expertise' cannot be changed via label edit mode at this time.
  • Brightidea will keep you posted on further enhancements to this feature!





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