Brightidea Product Release Notes - June 27, 2018

Hello Everybody!

The below took effect Wednesday, June 27th, 2018. If you have received these release notes via email, this post may be truncated. To read complete documentation, please visit the Product Release Notes forum in the  Support Portal. 

Here are all the updates and improvements we made:

Front End 'Site'

  • Users can now select 'Esc' on their keyboards to close the 'Recently Viewed' list in their search box.
  • Made a small update to reflect 'subscription' on the view idea page. The user should now see a green 'Subscribed' button on the top right. This also applies to when users are added by the administrator.
  • Made updates to the self-registration flow for site login: If a user is added by an administrator and does not register to login - he/she is able to self-register on the site login page regardless, if they shall choose.
  • Fixed an issue where Idea 'Short URL Idea Code' format chosen was not respected in status change emails.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Evaluation Results' tab - whereby the tab would display nothing for team members when any results were visible, and when selecting “Administrators and select roles - Submitters”.
  • Idea Boards now reflect ideas that are hidden.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Site Follower' email template - where it was pulling the incorrect name.
  • Updated the Idea Details widget to accommodate a display issue when adding a higher volume for 'Chips Voting'.
  • We made some updates to search relevancy when searching by idea code.
  • View Idea page performance improvements!

Back End 'Pipeline'

  • The Name & Discuss App now include the 'Scheduler' as part of their Creation wizard.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Submissions with Outcomes Details" report where certain columns were displaying the wrong data.
  • Pipeline Dashboard performance improvements.
  • Create site performance improvements.

Team WorkSpace

  • Fixed issue with Milestones, in which you could not select a date for the 'Due Date'.
  • Performance improvements when searching users when adding team members.
  • Various usability updates.

If you have any questions about these updates, please do not be shy to let us know. And as always, stay tuned for more coming soon next week! :)


Anthony, Brightidea Product Team

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