Want to find experienced volunteers to help you with projects? With our Gig App, you can seek the help of skilled volunteers within your company that are ready to take on new projects.Read below to learn more about this process and how to progress through the pipeline. |
Table of Contents
Getting Started
- To get started, na and select the Gig app:
If you are using Brightidea Innovation Cloud 1.0, your Apps page may look like the below:
- Once there, select Set Up a Gig Marketplace
- Follow the steps and fill out the required information to complete the wizard.
Site Home Page
- Once you create your new Gig event, you will be brought to your Gig site home page.
- Here, you can update the site hero image, change your submission form, and more!
- For more suggested edits, refer to our Gig App Launch Playbook.
Working with Volunteers
The Gig App is designed to work with Volunteers within your Brightidea. By default, the Apply Button will be enabled for all Gig Submissions.
Gig Submitters will also have the ability to flag themselves as Available and Find Teammates to help Owners with projects.
- Note: For best results, we recommend directing users to set their Expertise on their User Profile as well as turn on their Available Flag.
Pipeline Steps View
- After successfully creating your Gig app, you will see that it comes with preconfigured Stages and Steps.
- To navigate there, select Admin Tools > Manage Pipeline
- For a quick recap of the overall Gig process, refer to the process overview here.
The Gig backend workflow consists of the following:
Find Volunteers
Job Owner's Route
- Post Job
- Search / Request For Volunteers
- Select Volunteers
Volunteer's Route
- Mark Themselves Available
- Search And Apply For Job
- Accept Invitation
Job Owner's Route
Monitor Progress
- Complete Project
Track Results
- Measure Impact
Find Volunteers
- Job Owner's Route
- The Job Owner of a project will post the job in the attempts to find a qualified applicant.
- Job Owners will also search and request for volunteers with the expertise they are looking for to complete their project.
- Qualified volunteers will be selected and asked to assist with the development process.
Volunteer's Route
- Volunteers that are ready to take on new projects will mark themselves as "Available".
- Volunteers can also search and apply for jobs that matches their expertise or they are interested in pursuing.
- If selected for help, Volunteers can then accept the invitation to join the team.
Monitor Progress
- Complete Project
- Job Owners and Volunteers will work together to develop and implement the project.
Track Results
- Measure Impact
- Completed project will be recorded by Job Owner and measured for future results.
Please comment below with any questions or feedback, and as always- Happy Innovating!