Brightidea is proud to introduce Stage Gate, a powerful methodology embedded and configured directly into the Innovation Process app. This KBA will guide you through utilizing Stage and Gate Approval Action Items and explain the interconnectivity with our Project Rooms. We'll explore how this framework can improve collaboration, decision-making, and, ultimately, the outcome of your innovation initiatives.
- App Availability
- Stage Process Configuration
- Gate Approval Configuration
- Automated Project Room Creation
- Completing Action Items Within the Project Room
- Building a Custom Project Room
App Availability
As mentioned, the Innovation Process app will have the Stage and Gate Action Items pre-configured into the default workflow.
Additional apps will have these Action Items enabled including Incubate, Accelerate, Venture, and Transform. Although the action item is available, users will need to set up their mapping for the Steps and Stages according to their template. All detailed in the Innovation Process KBA. Additionally, the Action Items will only display for new builds, not for existing or duplicated initiatives. Reach out to your CS rep if you need assistance enabling.
Stage Process Configuration
For Stage Process, you will have a standard Configure Action Item modal display. Confirm who will be leading the team to complete the Stage Process. This is typically the Idea submitter and additional assigned Evaluators.
The Project Room Template selection dropdown is pre-configured to use Brightidea's default Stage Gate template for the Project Room; however, clicking the dropdown will display all Project Rooms the user can access.
Alternatively, the user can configure a custom Project Room- additional details are provided and listed below.
Note that only one Project Room template can be assigned per pipeline.
Project Room templates can also be selected within the Pipeline Setup Stage Gate template page.
The Folder Mapping dropdown will display all Stages populated in the respective Project Room, so be sure to coordinate the Stage with the Step being configured.
Gate Approval Configuration
Similar to the process outlined for Stage approval, selecting Gate Approval will display the Gate configuration modal. Designate the Gate Lead and any additional team members responsible for approvals. These are typically people within a leadership level who approve project progression and fund releases.
If this is the second Stage Gate step assigned, the Project Room Template field will be uneditable. This is because there may be only one Project Room template per pipeline to ensure a unified workflow is being followed.
The Gate Mapping dropdown will display all Gates within the respective Project Room, so be sure to coordinate the Gate with the Step being configured.
A Scorecard can be selected to use for Gate approvals. The default Scorecard template is provided; however, any template available per the existing Scorecard logic may be selected.
Automated Project Room Creation
Once an Idea is submitted to the Pipeline, it enters a Step in which a Stage Gate tool type is configured. A Project Room will automatically be spun up, created, and associated within the record.
- Note: The Project Room widget must be enabled in View Idea 3 for this to display correctly.
This Project Room will also be shown within the Project Room list to allow easy access for the teams working on the project approval.
The Project Room will mimic the template selected during Pipeline configuration. All team members assigned to the Action Item have automatic access.
Completing Action Items within the Project Room
Once an Idea enters the Stage or Gate Step, Action Items in the Stage Process or Gate Approval Steps will be sent. Based on the Pipeline and user settings, Evaluators will be notified by in-app and email alerts. The Action Item will also be displayed on the record.
For Stage Completion
The team assigned to the Stage must complete all assets, artifacts, and information corresponding to the assigned process, which is listed on the lander for the Step. Once the team completes all work, selecting Submit Stage will prompt the user to record and mark the completion of the Action Item.
For Gate Completion
The Gate Scorecard will be displayed on the Gate page within the Project Room. The team assigned to the Gate must complete and submit their Scorecards.
The Evaluator can elect to "pop out" the Gate Scorecard and complete the Action Item in-line as they review the assets included in the Stage process.
Building a Custom Project Room
When opting to use a different Project Room template from the default provided, users can create their own room. This will follow all the default functionality of our Project Room capabilities; the difference is that the user will want to ensure they are hosting all artifacts under a "Stage" or "Gate" object. This will then complete the mapping shown in the Step configuration modal.
Once a Project Room is used and dedicated as a template within a pipeline, you will see a notice in the room that it is being used as a template. Any changes made to the room will show in future rooms and/or action items created, but will not be adjusted in existing rooms.