Our latest product release took effect Wednesday, April 24, 2024. This post may be different from the release notes received via email.
To read Brightidea's complete documentation, you can visit the Product Release Notes forum in the Support Portal.
Enhancements and Updates
The Participants Export has been updated to improve column order as well as adding new columns:
- Certifications: This will display the certifications for all users
- Available to join projects?: This will display if users set themselves as available or not
- When duplicating an initiative or duplicating a Pipeline Step, removed evaluators will no longer be copied over to the new Step
- Team members added to a submission will now be saved when saving a draft
Whiteboard Updates and Bug Fixes
- When deleting a Whiteboard object, any other objects linked to that object will automatically be unlinked
- Stickies or cards linked to submissions will now automatically updated to respect custom Idea Codes
- Improved copying and pasting cell content for tables
General Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in which custom logos for the Login page were not displaying correctly
- Fixed an issue for action item and Step Manage page views in which tags under 2-characters could not be added to submissions
- Fixed an issue in which Pipeline Admins could not access initiative-level newsletters