Idea History Tab

Tracking changes within a Submission provides transparency to Admins with our History Tab feature. Users can see how different Submissions evolved throughout the workflow process. Let's check out the details below!


Table of Contents

Enabling History Tab

By default, the History Tab will be disabled across all Initiatives when navigating to any View Submission 2.0 page. To enable, navigate to your Enterprise Setup > Beta > Beta:


Admins will also see an option for "Extended Data for History tab". This option is for Submissions that are submitted before 2018. Our History tab can pull data as far back as 2014, however this data from 2014-2018 may be unreliable

History Tab Setup

Once the History Tab setting has been enabled, an option within the Initiative setup will allow Administrators to choose the visibility of the History Tab. You can access this setup through Site Setup > Ideas > History Tab.

By default, the History Tab is available for all System, Pipeline and Community Administrators, as well as Moderators and Analysts. If Administrators want to extend the visibility to other users, they may allow everyone to view History Tab, allow just Evaluators, or may restrict to just Administrators and Moderators.


Viewing Submission History

Once this setting has been enabled, you will see a new tab appear next to Business Impact within the View Submission 2.0 page:


History Tab Content

The History Tab will show a list of changes/events that were made to the Submission. This list will be in reverse chronological order (from most recent to oldest).

The History Tab will show which user it was updated by and when the change was made. Below are the types of changes that will reflect within the History Tab:

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