Brightidea is pleased to offer a Mobile solution so you can rally and inspire employees to contribute ideas andcollaborate... from anywhere!

Table of Contents:
- Getting Started
- Menu Icon
- Action Item Evaluations
- Audio Comments
- Initiative
- View Submission
- Posting an Idea
- Uploading a Video to a Submission
Getting Started
After downloading and signing into your Brightidea Mobile Application you will be directed to the Current Activities page. Here, you will see a list of Initiatives that have been added to your mobile application via the Visual Initiative List Widget
Within your Mobile App, red indicators will appear if you have any actions available. Indicators will appear on the left-side of your screen notifying you of Action Items and Notifications. Clicking into the icon will open up the Mobile Menu.
Menu Icon
On the top-left, you can access the Menu icon to navigate through the application. The Menu will display all the different sections Users can navigate between. See below for available pages.
The menu icon will populate several functions for Users:
- Search
- User profile
- Challenges
- Notifications
- Action Items
- Activity Feed
- My Subscriptions
- Invite a Colleague
- Settings
- Logout
Search: Users will be able to search for other Users, Challenges they have access to, Submissions that live within those Challenges, Comments made and also Blog pages.
User profile: By selecting the User profile page, Users will be brought to their own Profile that displays their own user details under the Information tab as well as the Submissions they have created under the Ideas tab.
Activities: The Current Activities list is the same page that Users see when they first access the Mobile App. This page will list Initiatives that live within your company's Brightidea.
- The Mobile Initiative list will also respect group restrictions.
Notifications: Directs the user to their Notifications list. Mobile App Notifications include:
- Comments on your idea(s).
- Comments on ideas you have commented on (subscribed).
- If someone votes on your comment.
- Votes on your idea
- Tags on your idea
- User tagging
Action Items: Users will be able to evaluate Single-Scale, Scorecard, and Review Action Items. (See next section for Action Item Evaluations).
Note: The number of Action Items you see may not match the number you see within your Desktop. The reason being that only Single-Scale and Scorecard Action Items are only available through Mobile.
Activity Feed: Directs users to the Activity Feed page, users can either access the Global Feed (Enterprise) or My Feed. The Global Feed will show all activity/engagement that the User has access to view, while the My Feed will show activity/engagement that is specific to the User.
My Subscriptions: This tab displays Ideas and Tags that the user is subscribed too as well as users they are following.
Invite a Colleague: In this tab the user can enter in a colleague's email address and the colleague will receive an email with instructions to download the mobile application in either iTunes or Google Play stores.
Settings: Here the user can enable/disable notification settings or sound settings.
Action Item Evaluations
Single-Scale, Scorecard, and ReviewMobile Evaluations work just like Desktop evaluations. For Single-Scale Evaluations, each User will be directed to a page with a scale at the bottom of their screen.
Scorecard Evaluations will have a Scorecard button at the bottom of the screen. When Users click on the "Show Scorecard" button, it will bring up the questions for the Evaluator. Similarly, clicking on the "Hide Scorecard" button will minimize the evaluation.
Posting an Audio Comment
Evaluators can now leave audio comments! Within each Evaluation screen, the bottom-left icon will allow Evaluators to press-and-hold a comment. After the Evaluator has submitted their audio comment, Brighitdea will automatically transcribe the audio after a couple minutes.
By selecting "All Ideas" the user can see a list of all ideas within that Initiative/Site and sort them by "Recent", "Random", and "Popular"
By selecting "All Updates" the user can view all activity within that Initiative/Site
- Subscribe to Initiative
- View Popular Ideas: Based on Votes
- View Recent Activity
View Idea
We are continuing to improve our Mobile App with new features. Our latest updates include the ability to Edit Ideas. Evaluators can Edit Idea attributes from their Mobile Action Item (only if idea editing has been enabled for the Step)
Below are the items that can now be edited through Mobile:
- Visibility
- Title (Long Press)
- Description (Long Press)
- Category
- Status
- Tags
- All Additional Question Types (Long Press)
On View Idea page the user can:
- Subscribe to idea
- View idea details
- Vote on Ideas/ See Idea voting details
- Post comments and attachments
- On the view idea page the user can swipe left/right on their phone to view the next/previous idea. This feature works similar to "Next and Previous" buttons.
Posting An Idea
Back on either the Initiative list or Initiative homepage you will see the post idea icon on the bottom of the screen:

When you click on the icon you have five options for posting idea:

Make an Audio Recording: Create a recording by allowing Brightidea's application to access your mobile's microphone. After finished recording you will be directed to the Post Idea page. After submission the recording will be submitted as a .m4a file in the "Attachments" tab.
Take a Photo: By allowing Brightidea's application to access your phone's camera you can take a photo that will be the idea image after submission.
Post Idea: This brings the user directly to the Post Idea page.
- Please note: The mobile Post Idea page does not support Rich Text editing.
Attach an Existing Photo: By allowing Brightidea's application to access your phone's photos you can choose an image from your phone's photo library that will be the idea image after submission.
Sketch Idea: This allows the user to draw an image that will be the idea image after submission.
Uploading a Video into your Submission
Users can add videos from their phones as Attachments when submitting an idea. These videos will embed into Brightidea and can play directly from the Description tab.
- Videos cannot be added from your phone after Submission has been created
- Videos can not be recorded directly from your phone into Brightidea.
Important Things to Note:
- Users can only search and view blog posts, there is no post blog functionality in the Brightidea Mobile Application.
- Brightidea Mobile does not support idea editing, ideas can only be edited through the desktop site.
- Brightidea Mobile does not support chip voting, only regular up/down voting.
Can the comments posted on ideas be arranged on the App so they are sorted with the most reecent comment being the first comment you see, rather than the oldest being the first one you see?
Hi Steve,
It's not currently possible to sort comments on mobile app, that functionally is only available on the regular site.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Brightidea Support